Friday, November 4, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #4 A November Challenge

Day #4 of the Thankfulness Challenge.  What I am thankful for today is my Dad!  I owe a lot to my Dad.  I am the man I am today because of him.  He has always been such a great example to me.  It is hard to put in words just how thankful I am for him! 

He has been an inspiration to me and how I should raise my own son.  My dad is the type of person that would give his own shirt of the top of his back for you.  He is a very loving, giving, just overall a very generous man.  My dad has taught me to always be the best that I can be, to always shoot for the top and achieve my goals.  He has taught me to never give up and keep shooting for the stars.  My dad has also taught me to love God with all my heart, mind, soul & strength.  He has been an example of what a Godly Father should be.

I must stop and tell this story about my dad, this is one that has been and always will be in my mind about my dad.  I remember coming home one night, and walking to my room, I saw my dad in his room, what he was doing made an impact on my life.  I saw my dad on his knees in prayer!  That touched my life in a tremendous way!  I knew that my dad was praying for me and our family!  I knew he was doing battle for us!  WOW!  Thank you dad once again for being such an example to follow!  Thank you for shaping me to be the man that I am today!  I owe you so much!  I am very thankful for you, my dad of all dads!

I consider my dad to be a very courageous man and that he has given me a valuable legacy to pass down to my son! 

I love the lyrics of this song, it describes how I feel about my dad.  Very Thankful!!!!

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