Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday 2011 -"Why do I do it?"

Today is Friday November 25th 2011, or in the shopper's mind "Black Friday"  This year it started even earlier on Thursday!  Let me set the scene for you, it's 9:00pm on Thanksgiving day, our bellies are full from the Turkey and Pumpkin Pie, now we are sitting at the table planning our "attack" for the evening.  We are excited, this year Black Friday is starting even earlier.  We carefully plan our attack as we give one final pass through all the ads from the newspaper.  What stores will we hit first.  What do we want to get, yes, I feel the rush start to happen.  Now it is about 9:45pm, we are off to our first stop, Wal-Mart!  Oh Boy!  we are in for a big surprise!  The normally empty parking lot was completely full!  We found a parking place and into the heart of the best we went, OK, the store, but what we were in for, WOW!  The store was a mad house!  Wall to Wall people, pushing, pulling and grabbing all the deals that were available!  I quickly went to what was on my list and met my wife at the designated meeting point.  Walking into Wal-Mart that evening, quickly reminded me that we were in for some serious shopping time!  We quickly got what we wanted at Wal-Mart then it was quickly off to our next stop.  We pulled up to Kohl's where we found the line wrapped around the block!  It was still 45 minutes before the store opened.  So we waited in line and discussed what we needed to get and our battle plan for that store!  The 45 minutes flew by the line starts to move, OK, let the rush begin!  We get into the store, Success!  We find what we wanted and off to the check out lines.  Another store down.  Now off to the next store, Game Stop!   Here we find another line of course!  So off we are into the waiting line.  This is where start to hear and swap Black Friday tales past and present.  Finally to the door, we are let in the Game Stop store.  We are excited, We find what we were looking for!  Our Black Friday is looking good!  Now we are off to our next stop, but first we must refuel ourselves!  Can't run on empty. It is now approximately 2:30am.  We stop to eat at Denny's of course because it is always open!  It appears that most of our fellow Black Friday shoppers had the same thing on their minds.  OK, refueled and charged up again, it is off to the next store.  Target here we come!  Most of the crowd is gone now and it is relatively quiet in the store.  To our amazement, we still found some great deals!  Now back again to yet another Game Stop where we needed to find a game that we were looking for!  Success!  It is now approximately 5:00 am.  Off to our final stop of the day.  Family Christian Bookstore.  It does not open until 6:00 am so we have an hour to kill.  We enjoy it together in the car sitting and listening to some Christmas music as we pass the time.  Now it is 6:00am.  The doors open and we are off and running again.  We found a lot of deals for us as well as our family!    We shopped for about an hour.  It is now 7:00 am in the morning!  We are FINISHED!!!  Another Black Friday in the books!  We survived and had a blast!

Black Friday 2011 @ Wal-Mart in Buckey AZ
You say, What in the world would possess someone to go out and shop in those type of circumstances?  To subject yourself to the pushing, shoving, sleep deprivation etc.?  Well, I am not crazy, but I will tell you this, Yes I do it because of the deals of the day, but it is truly because I love spending the time shopping with my wife!  Yes, I love to shop and I love to shop with the best person I know, my wife!  This is like the ultimate date for us!  We look forward to this time of the year every year!  We do it because we love the time we get to spend with each other.  We love the running around in all the drama, we love spending the time with other people in line and swapping Black Friday tales both past and present.  Ultimately though, I do it because of the time I get to spend with my wife! 

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #24 A November Challenge

Day #24!  The final day of the November Thankfulness Challenge.  Day #24 ends on Thanksgiving day.  I know, I am a day late, because I was celebrating with my family!  What a day.  I truly hope and pray that through this challenge it has made you realize how blessed you truly are!  Through this challenge I was challenged to truly think about what I was thankful for.  I am so thankful for all the blessings that the Lord has given me and my family.  It made  me appreciate more what I have and realize that I truly want for nothing.  I hope this challenge did the same for you!  So I leave you with this.  May the Lord richly bless you and your family!   Psalm 107:1 says "Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever."   Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #23 A November Challenge

It's day #23 in the November Thankfulness Challenge.  It has gone by so fast!  As I anxiously await for Thanksgiving day tomorrow, I am thankful today for "God's Provisions"  It's so nice to know that I have what I need because of God's provisions.  Even when I get down because things did not go the way I would like them to go, I know that in the big picture of things God's got my back!  Because of his perfect provisions, I have what I need.  So as I prepare for tomorrow, I can be thankful for today and the provisions that God has provided for me! 

So a couple of things for me to look at as I am thankful for the provision of God.  Matthew 6:33 says "Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."  1 John 5:14-15 says "And we are confident that he [God] hears us whenever we ask for anything that pleases him.  And we also know that he will give us what we ask for." and James 1:17 says "Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens.  He never changes or casts a shifting shadow."  So today I am so thankful for God's Provisions.  I have all that I need because my faith and trust is in the Lord. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #22 A November Challenge

Wow, I can't believe we are at day #22 of the November Thankfulness Challenge.  It seems like my list just keeps growing and growing on what I can be thankful for!  Today I am thankful for my good friends!  You know who you are!  There are some of you that I have not seen in a long time, but I know that I can call you and you will be there for me in an instant.  Also there are my friends that I know that we can get together and it seems like we have never skipped a beat.  Proverbs 27:17 says "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend."  I love that verse.  The reason being is that I know I have friends that love me and encourage me and are willing to give me the good, the bad and the ugly so to speak.  I know that I can take what they have to say to heart.  That is what I count as great!  I hope and pray that you all have a friend in your life that you can say the same thing about. 

It also amazes me how things can come full circle when you think about it.  I also have a wonderful friend that outshines them all!  I would love to introduce you to Him.  Proverbs 18:24 says "There are "Friends" who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother."  I know I have a real friend in Christ!  He has and always will be with me through the thick and the thin.  I know that I can fully put my trust in Him.  I am so thankful and glad that I can be called a "Friend of God"


Monday, November 21, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #21 A November Challenge

Day #21 of the November Thankfulness Challenge.  I would be a miss if I did not include the other part of my family.  My two wonderful little cats!  So today I am thankful for my cats!  You may ask, "Why?"  Why would I be thankful for some little animal?  Well, I must say that these little animals are the best to me and my family.  Cats seem to get a bad rap when it comes to attitudes.  That they are not like the good old faithful dog who won't leave your side.  True, they are not the same in that way, however, I do think they are two peas in a pod so to speak when it comes to loving your unconditionally!  I love my cats, the times that they jump on my bed to wake me up and purr in my face as they give me a big nudge with their cold little wet noses!  It is just a joy to sit there and watch them play with each other and chase each other around the house.  So I am thankful for my cats.  They bring me as well as my family lots of joy!

So don't forget about your little critters!  Be thankful for them! I know I love mine!

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #19 & #20 A November Challenge

Well, it's coming two days late, but here are days #19 & #20 of the November Thankfulness Challenge.  I will explain on why I am writing these late.  It is because of what I am thankful for during these two days.  For days # 19 & 20, I am thankful for "Family Time."  One on one time is great and we need to have that, but there is something about being together with family and having fun together.  My weekend was filled with just that.  We had a great get together at our church on Saturday and I loved that!  The kids had a great time with all the inflatable slides, jumper, and obstacle course.  Yes, even I took a turn on the giant slide.  I could not resist!  After all the fun of the church activity we were off to our next adventure for the day.  It was now time to go see Santa.  This has always been a Lorenzo tradition since our little boy was born.  Go and see Santa so the kids can give their lists him and hope that they get everything on it.  This time was sure to be an adventure.  Would she or wouldn't she, was the question of the day.  Would my daughter who is age five now, sit on Santa's lap for the first time?  Well, we were so proud of our little angel.  She did!  She even told Santa what she wanted!  She is growing up so fast!  Now that Santa was done, on to the next great family event.  Every year we pick out an ornament for our Christmas tree.  The kids pick one for themselves and we as a family pick a family ornament.  The past years it has been reindeer and snowmen for our family ornament.  This year...Monkey's?  Hmmm...Do I sense a change here???  That pretty much finished our family outing.  

What about Sunday?  Well that is the culmination of our weekend.  We finished off our family time by going to church as a family and then out to eat after church.   What can I say? I love my family and I am thankful for our "Family Time."

So I would encourage everyone to make sure you are spending quality family time together! You will be glad you did.  Who knows, you may just find that you have been missing a lot of fun!  Blessings to you all!

Friday, November 18, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #18 A November Challenge

Day #18 of the November Thankfulness Challenge.  Today I am thankful for "Peace."  The stillness and calm that you feel when you know everything is going to be alright!   Sometimes we get so tied up in just the fast pace of life and we don't take time to slow down and experience true peace.  It's that calming feeling, it's just the simple take a deep breath and relax!  Let the troubles of the day just be set aside and experience a moment of peace.  I know I find peace in many different ways.  Whether it is just taking in the morning sunrise, or the quiet of the morning, listening to music.  This can all be so peaceful. 
However, I would be a miss if I did not mention where I find my "True Peace."  My true piece comes from knowing the Lord!  My God!  It is in Him that I find my peace!  It is in Him that I truly know everything is going to be alright!  Philippians 4:7 says "Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.  His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."
So today, I am truly thankful for peace.  Once again, I know that no matter what the circumstance may be, I can be assured of peace! I can say "It is well!, it is well with my soul!"

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #17 A November Challenge

Day # 17 of the November Challenge.  Today I am thankful for Hope.  Without hope where would we be in this world?  Especially around this time of the year there seems to be an extra sense of hope as we draw closer and closer to the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays.    The Dictionary defines hope as follows:


noun, verb, hoped, hop·ing.
1. the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best: to give up hope.
2. a particular instance of this feeling: the hope of winning.
3. grounds for this feeling in a particular instance: There is little or no hope of his recovery.
4. a person or thing in which expectations are centered: The medicine was her last hope.
5. something that is hoped for: Her forgiveness is my constant hope.
verb (used with object)
6. to look forward to with desire and reasonable confidence.
7. to believe, desire, or trust: I hope that my work will be satisfactory.

Here is my definition of hope.  Here's why I am thankful for hope.  Psalm 33:20 says "We put our hope in the Lord, He is our help and our shield."  I know no matter how bleak or bad the any situation may be that I have hope!  I have hope in the Lord that He will carry me through all the rough times that I face or will face in the future.  Psalm 31:24 also says "So be STRONG and COURAGEOUS, all you who put your HOPE in the Lord!"  I know that no matter what, I have hope!  Yes, there are days when I do get down.  That's life.  The days when it seems like the weight of the world and the pressures of this life are on my shoulders, I have hope!  That no matter how bad it may seem, I have hope!  Matt Redmond sings a song titled "You Never Let Go" and part of the lyrics to that song say...
"I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
And there will be an end to these troubles
But until that day comes
Still I will praise You,
still I will praise You!
Oh no, You never let go
Through the calm and through the storm
Oh no, You never let go
In every high and every low
Oh no, You never let go
Lord, You never let go of me!"

So I would say to anyone who is feeling down and out to don't loose hope!  Grasp onto it!  The days will be brighter.  There is promise of hope!  Thank you Lord for never giving up on me and NEVER letting me go!  That's my hope!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #16 A November Challenge

Day #16 of the November Thankfulness Challenge.  Today I am thankful for The "Holiday Season"  The months of November and December are months of great celebration.  It is a time where we are Thankful and grateful for all things.  It is a time that we come together with family and friends.  It is a time that we set grievances aside and want the same things like peace, love and joy.  As I am very thankful for this time of the year, I also got to thinking today, "Why can't we be like this all year round?"  We should always be Thankful and grateful for the blessings that we have received and are going to receive in the future.  We should always be ready to give our talents and abilities to help others no matter what time of the year it is.  Take a moment to think, and I bet you can find someone that you could help out, whether it be a physical, monetary, or a spiritual need. Sometimes it may just be a smile or a kind word that will make someones day! 
So I take this verse today from 1 Thessalonians 5:18 "Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus" (NLT)  So I am very thankful for the Holiday Season!  So I encourage you all to take this Holiday Season and extend it past November and December.  NO not the decorations and music, but the reason for the seasons!  Spread it throughout the year!  God bless you all!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #15 A November Challenge

Day #15 of the November Challenge.  Today I am thankful for "Music."  Now anyone that knows me, knows that my musical tastes are vast!  I can go from classical to metal, just depending on my mood at the time!  I love music that is uplifting and just puts that extra bounce in your step.  Today, as I was driving into work, one of the radio stations here in Phoenix was playing Christmas music!  Now that was great!  It just made my morning and got me into the holiday mood all over again!  It's amazing what music does!  So I am thankful for music.  So sit back today and pull out your ipod or mp3 player and select your favorite playlist and enjoy!

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #14 A November Challenge

Day #14 of the November Thankfulness Challenge.  Today I am thankful for the laughter of my children!  There is something about laughing that will lift you up no matter what type of day or mood you are in!  I just love to hear my children laugh!  To see that smile on their faces and to hear the laughter.  Proverbs 17:22 says "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength."  Laughter is good for you!  Take a lesson from the kids who so freely laugh!  Find the joy in things and get a good laugh!  You will be surprised on what it does for your spirit!  You will be surprised on how the stresses of the day just seem to take a back seat when you are laughing, even if it is at the expense of yourself :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #13 A November Challenge

Day # 13 of the November Thankfulness Challenge.  Today I am thankful for my Church!  I love my extended family at Lifeway Church in Buckeye AZ.  I am thankful that I have a place to go where I can recieve every week from the Lord!  The Bible says in Hebrews 10:25 "And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near."  So I look forward every Sunday to going to my church!  I look forward in anticipation as to what I am going to hear and the encouragement from my brothers and sisters in Christ! 

So today I am thankful for my church!  I encourage everyone, no matter what church you may attend, GO!  You will be happy that you did!

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #12 A November Challenge

Day # 12 in the November Thankfulness Challenge.  Today I am thankful for relaxing days! I am writing this a day late, because I was doing just that...RELAXING!  Sometimes we just have to take some time out and not do anything, just relax!  We all need that time!  We all need a time of escape from the day to day tasks at hand, the run of the mill so to speak.  If we do not take these times to relax, then I believe we are doing ourselves a disservice.  I am thankful that I can just sit back in my easy chair and enjoy the day.  Letting my mind just wonder and let the pressures of the week just melt away!  Ahhh!  The great time of relaxation!  What a way to go!  I encourage everyone out there to take some time for themselves!  Relax, even if it is just for a few minutes!  Take the time!  So today I am thankful for relaxing days! 

Friday, November 11, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #11 A November Challenge

Day #11 of the November Thankfulness Challenge.  Today is a special day.  Not only is it 11-11-11, but it is Veteran's Day.  This is a time for us to take a moment to pause and be thankful for all the service men and woman that have served this country proudly!  Some of them given the ultimate price, their lives!  On this day, I am VERY THANKFUL for all the men and woman that serve in our Armed Forces!  Being thankful and saying "Thank you" just does not seem to be enough.  I am very grateful that these men and woman who have fought and continue to fight for our freedom that we have here in the United States of America.  Because of their many sacrifices I have the freedoms I have today!  Because of them I can say that "I am proud to be an American" Thank you!  I am very grateful to all of our Veterans and all who serve in our Armed Forces today!  God bless you all and my the protecting hand of our Lord be upon you all!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #10 A November Challenge

Day #10 of the November Thankfulness Challenge.  Today I am thankful for a Good Attitude!  Proverbs 15:13 says "A glad heart makes a happy face; a broken heart crushes the spirit."  I am often accused of being "too happy" or always looking at the glass as "half-full" and I am OK with that!  Why?  Because I try and make a daily choice to have a good attitude no matter what.  I try to find the good in each and every situation.  I find that if I do that then it keeps me from getting down and it lifts other people around me up!  I find that a good attitude will get you far!  Finding the good in every situation or to use a cliche' to "find the silver lining" in all things. 

You may be thinking "Do I every have my bad days?"  Yes, I do!  However, even in those days where I may just want to blow up and scream, I still try my best to choose to have a good attitude, to look at the glass as "half-full" and not "half-empty".  Because even when I am down, I can still have a good attitude knowing that whatever it is, it will not last forever and that there are better days ahead of me.  So today, I am thankful for a good attitude!

If you are down today, try and find the good, try and have an "Attitude Adjustment" and you will be amazed on what will happen.  Your outlook will totally change!  I promise!  Sometimes it's hard, I know!!!!   However the "Good Attitude" is a choice.  So do what I am thankful for today and choose a good attitude, I believe you will be happy you did!

I leave you today with some words from Charles Swindoll in regards to attitude:


The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.
Attitude, to me, is more important than facts.

It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.  It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill.  It will make or break a company....a church....a home.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.  We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way.  We cannot change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude...

I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.  And so it is with you...we are in charge of our attitudes!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #9 A November Challenge

Day #9 of the November Thankfulness Challenge.  Today I am thankful for my daughter!  Daddy's little girl, my little princess.  I can go on and on.  What a blessing she is in my life!  She is my little angel sent from above!   I am thankful for her little smile that she gives me, every time that I come home she is right there to run out and give me a hug with a resounding "DADDY!"  Her little giggles and smiles just melt my heart away!  I can't believe how fast she is growing up!  I sometimes wish she could stay this cute little angel and not grow up.  However, I know that won't happen and I just pray that she will grow up into a wonderful young lady that loves the Lord.  I know that I have a big part in making that happen!  I am thankful for when I put her to bed at night and pray with her, sing a song to her and give her that bedtime kiss.  She is my little Angel, my Princess!   I love you my little sweetheart!  You ARE and ALWAYS will be "Daddy's Little Girl!"

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #8 A November Challenge

Day # 8 of the November Thankfulness Challenge.  Today I am thankful for my SON.  I know back on Day #5 I was thankful for my kids, however, I am writing about each one individually now because they have so many traits in them individually that I am thankful for.  Psalm 127:3 says "Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from Him."  I am very thankful for my son, Jonathan.  I was a very proud man the day my son was born.  That was almost nine years ago.  I could not believe it, I had a son!  My little boy! 

What amazes me is how he is growing up to be a young man of God.  He is a very caring young man.  He has a heart of gold!  I am extremely thankful for that!  I pray that he will keep that sensitive spirit of his as he grows up in life!   My son makes me one proud Daddy!   He has said many times that he wants to grow up to be just like me!  WOW, what a challenge to me to be sure that I am raising him right!  That I am making sure he has an example to follow!  Even though I know I am not perfect, I know that I can teach my son how to ask for forgiveness, give forgiveness, show love and; compassion and be a real man.   I love  you son, and I am very thankful that you are a part of my life!

Monday, November 7, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #7 A November Challenge

It's day #7 of the November Challenge.  Today I am thankful for my JOB!  Romans 12:11 says "Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically!"  With the way the economy is today and the jobless situation in America, I am sure thankful that I have a job!  I work for a Television News Station in the Greater Phoenix area.  It is an NBC affiliate, Channel 12.  I am an IT Engineer there.  My day is full of challenges and new adventures.  It is a high paced placed to work and I am very thankful that I have the opportunity to work here!  I work with a great group of people!  My coworkers are fantastic!  They are like my extended family.  Some days are more challenging than others, but overall still a fantastic place to be!  The Big 12 as I like to call it! 

So I am thankful that I have a place to go where I can go to work and provide for my family!  I am very thankful for my job!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #6 A November Challenge

Day #6 of the November Thankfulness Challenge.  Today I am thankful for my MOM!  Call her what you may, Mom, mama, mommy, I am very grateful for her.  What can you say to the person who brought you into this world?  I can't say enough of how thankful I am for her.  My mom!  Josie!  If you catch the name, this is the person who we named our daughter after!  My mom, she has always been there for me.  She is the most amazing person to know.  Such a kind and sensitive spirit in her!  She never has had any ill-will or bad things to say about anyone! 

My mom has always been there to encourage me every step of the way.  I know when I would be feeling down or hurt by someone  or what someone had done or said to me, she was always there to lift me up and encourage me.  She has always been there to care for me when I was not feeling well or take care of all the little "boo boo's" that I got...Believe me there were plenty.  I always remember when I was not feeling well when I was just a kid at home, my mom would make a bed for me on the couch and would make sure I had everything I needed.  Anything I could want she would get me....A lot of TLC happened there..OK, Confession time...Maybe mom, just maybe....I might have slipped in a few times of "faking it" JUST to have some of that good old TLC that you always so freely gave!
My Mom, what a person!  She is also a prayer warrior!  You need prayer, she is there in an instant!  This woman knows how to storm the gates of heaven!  She has been and still is there when I need some prayer!
Thanks Mom I love you and I am very thankful for you!

"Children are the sum of what mothers contribute to their lives." --Author Unknown 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #5 A November Challenge

Day #5 of the Thankfulness Challenge.  Today I am thankful for my KIDS!  Psalms 127:3 says "Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him."  WOW!  I feel so blessed to have my two kids Jonathan and Josephine!  They are truly a blessing from above.  I can't tell you all the emotions I felt the day I found out I was going to be a father.  It was a game changer! Then the day came and my little boy Jonathan was born then three years later Josephine came along!  I remember driving home from the hospital thinking to myself, Now what do I do?  I was scared, excited, overjoyed, every emotion that you can imagine was running through me.  A new chapter of my life had begun.  I was not just a husband to my wife, but I was now "DAD" 

I am a very proud dad!  My kids are awesome and I have a lot to be thankful for about them.   Here is just one example, when my son comes to me and tells me he wants to be like me or when my daughter comes and cuddles up to me and says "daddy I love you!"  Wow!  that just takes me back!  It melts my heart into mush and I am reminded once again how much I love my kids!

As a father, I have a great responsibility to mold and shape the lives of my kids.  I am responsible for leading them, guiding their life decisions, helping them make the right choices.  Showing them how to become young man and woman who love the Lord with all their heart, soul, and strength.  With this in mind, it gives me a little glimpse of what our Heavenly Father must see of us!  His children!

Yes, Children are truly a gift from the Lord!  I am a blessed man to have the opportunity to have two wonderful kids!  I look forward to coming home everyday to see them!  It is amazing how all the troubles of the day can seem to just fade away when the garage door opens and I see my two kids running out to greet me with smiles on their faces and open arms saying "Daddy!" 

I am very thankful for my kids, they are truly "the apple of my eye"  I am a blessed man to have them as my kids.  So Yes, I am truly thankful for my kids! 

I love you with all my heart Jonathan and Josephine! 

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #4 A November Challenge

Day #4 of the Thankfulness Challenge.  What I am thankful for today is my Dad!  I owe a lot to my Dad.  I am the man I am today because of him.  He has always been such a great example to me.  It is hard to put in words just how thankful I am for him! 

He has been an inspiration to me and how I should raise my own son.  My dad is the type of person that would give his own shirt of the top of his back for you.  He is a very loving, giving, just overall a very generous man.  My dad has taught me to always be the best that I can be, to always shoot for the top and achieve my goals.  He has taught me to never give up and keep shooting for the stars.  My dad has also taught me to love God with all my heart, mind, soul & strength.  He has been an example of what a Godly Father should be.

I must stop and tell this story about my dad, this is one that has been and always will be in my mind about my dad.  I remember coming home one night, and walking to my room, I saw my dad in his room, what he was doing made an impact on my life.  I saw my dad on his knees in prayer!  That touched my life in a tremendous way!  I knew that my dad was praying for me and our family!  I knew he was doing battle for us!  WOW!  Thank you dad once again for being such an example to follow!  Thank you for shaping me to be the man that I am today!  I owe you so much!  I am very thankful for you, my dad of all dads!

I consider my dad to be a very courageous man and that he has given me a valuable legacy to pass down to my son! 

I love the lyrics of this song, it describes how I feel about my dad.  Very Thankful!!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #3 A November Challenge

Day #3 in the November Thankfulness Challenge.  Today, I am thankful for my wife! Yes, you knew I would not leave her out of this challenge!   Proverbs 18:22 says "The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord"  I must say, I definitely found a treasure!  For over eighteen years, my wife has been my confidant, my friend, my true sweetheart!  I have never met anyone who is more willing to go the extra mile.  She is someone who is always willing to put others first before herself!  She is an amazing woman!  I can't believe how truly blessed I am to have her as my wife!  She is also an amazing mother to our children!  It is so nice to know that I have someone that is so amazing to come home to!  Someone who is always there for me through it all!  I am not saying we have had the perfect marriage, we have had our share of trials, However, we have stuck with each other through the thick and the thin!  Learning to accept each other as who we are.  We have learned to find strength in each others weaknesses.  We have learned to build each other up when we are down.  We have learned to laugh and cry with each other.  My wife is truly a treasure!  As the lyrics of our wedding songs says....
"I cherish the treasure, the treasure of you!  Lifelong companion, I give myself to you!  God has enabled me, to walk with you faithfully! and I cherish the treasure, the treasure of you!" 
So YES, I am extremely thankful for my wife!  Thank you sweetheart for always being there for me, for all that you do for me and our family!  I LOVE YOU AND I AM VERY THANKFUL FOR YOU!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -Day #2 A November Challenge

For this day of the Thankfulness Challenge, I chose something that I have found myself on both sides of the fence.  I also believe it is one that we all have found ourselves in need of or needing to give.  Today, I am thankful for FORGIVENESS!  What would we do without it?  Like I said earlier, I have been on both sides of this.  Needing forgiveness and having to forgive.  I am not sure what side is easier to be on, However, I am so thankful for it!  Ultimately I am thankful that I have a God in heaven who is faithful to forgive me for my many shortcomings in this life, but I too must be willing to forgive those who may have hurt me, offended me, or did something to me that caused me to get angry or upset or to harbor a grudge.  I too must be willing to forgive and not harbor ill feelings or grudges.  This sometimes is a hard thing to do.  However we must.  Mark 11:25 says "But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins too." (NLT) So whatever side of the fence you may be on today, be thankful for forgiveness, if you are in need of forgiveness, seek it.  If you have been hurt or are harboring a grudge against someone, then be willing to forgive him or her or whatever the situation may be. Begin to open yourself up to forgiveness.  You will be surprised as to what happens. 

“You can't undo anything you've already done, but you can face up to it. You can tell the truth. You can seek forgiveness. And then let God do the rest.” -Source Unknown

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Time of Thankfulness -A November Challenge

November is the time of the year we usually turn our attention to "Turkey" and OH OH, time to really start thinking about that Christmas shopping. Come on now, we are all guilty as charged! However, as this is the first day of November, I would like to start off this month and the days leading into Thanksgiving as a moment to Stop and reflect each day on something that I am thankful for. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says "Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." So are you with me? Will you take up this challenge and take some time out of each day to pick something you are thankful for and just think about it? I believe you will be amazed and blessed at the same time to see how blessed you are. You will also see how much you have to be thankful for!
The first thing that I am thankful for on this first day of November is my SALVATION. Anyone who knows me knows that I have no problem letting you know who my first love is! Therefore, the very first thing that I want to be thankful for this November is my Salvation! John 3:16 says that "For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life!" Think about that! The very God of the Universe loves me so much that he sent His only son to die for me so that I might live eternally with Him one day in heaven! That is so awesome! I stand in awe when I think about that! But what makes it even greater is this is a FREE gift to anyone who will receive it!
So on this very first day of November, I want to pause, reflect, and be thankful for my salvation! Thank you Lord for sending your Son and saving me! It's just amazing and I am thankful!