Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Are We There Yet?

During the 4th of July Holiday weekend we took a trip to my mom & dad's house. It is approximately a 5 hour drive. It did not take long before my son said "Are we there yet?" Everyone that has kids inevitably has heard this saying. It just varies on the "When" it will be asked. My son took approximately 20 minutes before he asked the question. Now admit it! You have at one point in time have also asked the question too!
This got me thinking though, in life we should be asking ourself that same question. "Are we (I) there yet?" All of us have goals and ambitions that we want to accomplish in life. How we get there is up to us. It may take us days, months or even years to get to that point in our lives. Even though that question may be annoying on a road trip, but on the road trip of life, I believe we should always be asking ourselves that big question "Are we there yet?"

Don't hold back, evaluate where you are in life, and go ahead and ask yourself that question. "Are we there Yet?"

Think about it!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Letl Freedom Ring

It's the 4th of July! Time for BBQ, Chips & Dip, Apple Pie, Playing horseshoes, time with friends and family! Last but not least the FIREWORKS! What can be more American than that? Well, as we take time to celebrate and enjoy this fun time of the year, let's not forget why we are out with our BBQs, playing those outdoor games, having a fun time with family. It is the freedom that we enjoy as Americans.

That freedom came with a price. Let's not forgot all our uniformed men and women past and present that are serving or have served our country to allow us to have this freedom that we enjoy and many time take for granted. Those that have gave the ultimate price for our freedom, their lives!

So let's not forget, take time today to remember those that so bravely have served or are serving today for us to enjoy this wonderful country and freedom that we enjoy!

To that I say a BIG THANK YOU! (Pictured is my Dad whom I am very proud of. He served in the Navy and Air Force for many years!)

Happy 4th of July everyone!