Friday, December 9, 2011

Getting Back To The Basics

I watched a movie last night that really made me grateful but also made me think. The  movie was about a family who's son had a serious illness and how they came to learn how to cherish every moment that they had with their son.  Well, that got me thinking, do I take for granted what I have?  Am I cherishing every possible moment that I have with my family?  Am I taking the time to stop and take moments out from my busy schedule and just enjoy my family?  I am a very blessed man and God has blessed me with an awesome wife and two wonderful children.  I should be making sure that I take every opportunity that I have to spend with them, to love them to cherish them.  We are not promised tomorrow, so we need to take every possible moment we have to pour into our families! 

If you have not taken the time, especially during this time of the year, learn to cherish your family.  See what is truly most valuable in your life.  Don't take them for granted.  Live and love for today!  I believe you will be a better person and be glad that you did!  It's time to "Get Back to the Heart of Christmas!"  Are you with me?  Let's do it!  Merry Christmas everyone!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Family Traditions

Hello everyone!  I hope this post finds you well?  As we get ever so closer to Christmas day, I am wondering what every one's favorite family tradition is or was?  December is the month to remember all the good times that we have and have had with friends and family.  I know that in my family, being of the Hispanic culture, we have many traditions.  The best one that I love is on Christmas eve looking forward to the tamales and menudo!  Yummy!  I know, for most of you, the menudo part is an acquired taste, but I think everyone can agree upon the tamales!  Every Christmas Eve my family and I would go around and visit all of the extended family.  I would not eat all day knowing that at every stop there would be some good food awaiting me!  My favorite stop was at my Nana's.  I knew she had been hard at work all that week preparing all the tamales and menudo!  We would walk into her house and the smell would just grab you!  You knew you were in for a feast!  My Nana is gone now, but the tradition of tamales and menudo on Christmas Eve lives on. 

Again, this is just one of many great memories and traditions that I have for this time of the year.  So what are yours?  I would love to hear them.  If you don't have any traditions, I encourage you to start one!  I believe you will be glad  you did!  Enjoy the Christmas Season everyone!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Do You Need a "Silent Night"?

Hello everyone!  Well it seems like the December rush is well under way!  People out shopping, the hustle and bussle of the holiday season is here.  I got to thinking the over the weekend about all that goes on during the month of December.  I was pondering about how most of us seem to just go go go!  That seems to be our mantra during this time of the year.  Holiday shopping, visiting with friends and family, planning events, there is just a lot going on.  Now there is nothing wrong with all of this.  It's great to visit with family and friends, go shopping and enjoy all that goes along with these types of activities.  However, I wonder, do we need to sometimes take a step back and pause for a moment from our busy schedules to just think about what this time of the year is truly about?

Think about that one silent night where the shepherds were out on in their fields keeping watch over their flocks by night, it was on that quiet silent night that a glorious event happened.  The great angelic announcement of our Saviours birth!  We should to take a moment to step away from the hustle and bussle and not forget what this season is truly about! Celebrating our Saviours birth.  The greatest gift to man-kind.

So do you need a "Silent Night"?

Friday, December 2, 2011

No Grinches Here!

Republic Media Front Lobby Filled with Toys bound for St Joe's
Hello everyone!  I am just amazed at how this time of the year can bring out the best in people.  Working at a news station you here the good things as well as the bad.  A few weeks ago, someone tried to be a Grinch to the kids of St. Joe's Hospital here in the Phoenix Valley.  Someone broke into a storage locker and took the toys that were suppose to be for the kids of the hospital.  12 News found out about this and put the call out to our viewers.  They came through big time!  For the full story see the 12 News story here

Our front lobby is now filled with toys of every sort bound for the kids at St. Joe's Hospital!  The generosity of our viewers is beyond words!  I am constantly amazed how this time of the year brings out the best in people!  I only hope and pray that we could tap the Spirit of Christmas all year round.  Can you imagine how things would be if we would keep this type of giving and being generous all year round?  So my challenge to everyone out there today is just that.  Keep the Spirit of Christmas all year round and don't loose the giving spirit, the joyful heart, the smiles that come during this time of the year!  Keep it going.  I believe you will be glad you did!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Hello Everyone!   I know I have been silent for the last few days, but can you believe it is actually December 1?  Where has this year gone?  It certainly has flown by for me.  What about you?  I am so excited!  We are now officially into my most favorite time of the year!  Christmas!!!  Yes, can you hear it, see it, smell it, touch it?  It is all around us.  So my question to everyone is this.  What makes Christmas special for you?  What are some of your favorite Christmas memories?  When you see all the lights hung and the Christmas trees that are up, what does that do for you?  I know in me it brings me right back to my childhood days!  I have so many fond memories of Christmas time with my family!  I can remember the days of anxiously waiting for December 25th to come around.  Waiting for the day that I could get up and open all the gifts that were under the Christmas tree! 

Christmas Morning Dec 25 1982 (Me & my two sisters)
Christmas is definitely a time for us to spend time with our families!  It should be a wonderful time of getting together and reflecting on the holiday season.  A time to laugh and create bright memories for many Christmas' to come!  So what is one of my favorite Christmas memories?  I have to say that one that sticks out in my mind is it was Christmas Eve and my dad had to work the grave yard shift.  All us kids went to bed anxiously waiting for the night to end and Christmas morning to come.  I remember sleeping away and then hearing that wonderful song....."It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!"  My dad was home from work!  He started up the record player (Record Player, now I am telling my age!) and let the wonderful sounds of Christmas fill the house.  Not only was dad home, but there was also a big surprise for us that happened overnight.  We had a White Christmas!  I remember my dad saying "Look outside!"  It was fantastic!  So that Christmas remains one of my favorite memories.

December is truly "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!"  Merry Christmas everyone!