Monday, April 11, 2011

A Little Glimps Of Heaven

I had the greatest time the other day. I took my daughter out for a Father/Daughter date. It was a great time just the two of us. We had a blast! We went to watch Disney's Princess's on Ice. My little girl kept telling me that I "had" to go watch the princesses, but truth be told, I did not mind one bit because I got to spend it with my little girl.
This got me thinking though, I am having a blast with my little girl, just the two us, how much does our Heavenly Father want to spend time with us? How He must long for us to just have some quality time with us.
There are too many distractions out there called "life." We must make every effort we can to spend some quality time with our Heavenly Father. I know, I am a chief offender of letting the distractions of life get in the way of my quality time with my Heavenly Father. However, I do know as I make the effort to spend that quality time with my Heavenly Father, I get to know him better and better and I see myself growing in Him. It's all about the RELATIONSHIP!
I can't be expected to have a great relationship with my daughter if I don't spend that quality time with her, same way with God, how can we be expected to have a great relationship with our Heavenly Father if we don't spend quality time with him in prayer and study of His word? Think about it.
Especially as we enter the Passion Week. This time of the year should be a reminder to us all of what our Lord and Saviour did for us. So make the effort! Get a little taste of Heaven on Earth. Spend some quality time with your son/daughter, get to know them better! Also don't forget about time with your Heavenly Father this week!