Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Hello Everyone!   I know I have been silent for the last few days, but can you believe it is actually December 1?  Where has this year gone?  It certainly has flown by for me.  What about you?  I am so excited!  We are now officially into my most favorite time of the year!  Christmas!!!  Yes, can you hear it, see it, smell it, touch it?  It is all around us.  So my question to everyone is this.  What makes Christmas special for you?  What are some of your favorite Christmas memories?  When you see all the lights hung and the Christmas trees that are up, what does that do for you?  I know in me it brings me right back to my childhood days!  I have so many fond memories of Christmas time with my family!  I can remember the days of anxiously waiting for December 25th to come around.  Waiting for the day that I could get up and open all the gifts that were under the Christmas tree! 

Christmas Morning Dec 25 1982 (Me & my two sisters)
Christmas is definitely a time for us to spend time with our families!  It should be a wonderful time of getting together and reflecting on the holiday season.  A time to laugh and create bright memories for many Christmas' to come!  So what is one of my favorite Christmas memories?  I have to say that one that sticks out in my mind is it was Christmas Eve and my dad had to work the grave yard shift.  All us kids went to bed anxiously waiting for the night to end and Christmas morning to come.  I remember sleeping away and then hearing that wonderful song....."It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!"  My dad was home from work!  He started up the record player (Record Player, now I am telling my age!) and let the wonderful sounds of Christmas fill the house.  Not only was dad home, but there was also a big surprise for us that happened overnight.  We had a White Christmas!  I remember my dad saying "Look outside!"  It was fantastic!  So that Christmas remains one of my favorite memories.

December is truly "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!"  Merry Christmas everyone!

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